
Venturing BSA Leader TRAINED Advisor/Committee sleeve patch non BSA private issu




Venturing “TRAINED” sleeve patch.  3” X 1″ 100% fully embroidered patch.  Venturing green border and lettering, Venturing logo. Brand new and never worn or sewn.  Looks so much better than the red or tan patches available from the scout store.
This is a
private issue, non-BSA patch, plain back, needs to be sewn, not ironed on.
Worn on the bottom of the left shirt sleeve by Venturing Crew Advisors, Associate Advisors, Committee members, CORs and youth leadership to show they have completed their position specific training.  Specific to Venturing and matches the Venturing uniform much nicer than the BSA issued generic trained patch.
We make no representation to any official status or authority with any organization.